Why am I here? Connaître votre Dessein

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Ignite the flame of revival.

Why am I here? Connaître votre Dessein

Ok we spoke about knowing your purpose ! Why am i here …

First of all, we have said a purpose is the objective, the reason why someone or something is created for.
As a Christian, our purpose is all about why God has created us. Why we are on earth? Are our objectives on earth defined by the school we went or the friends we have or even the family we belong to?

Certainly not.
We have realised in regards of our own experiences, our own lives, that many young people dont even try to find why they are created for until they reach a point of blocage where they are stuck without knowing what to do next.

Some of us have been misled by the thoughts that having professional success, being good at school or making a lot of money …are the aims of life on earth.

But it is time for us to go back to our Creator and find out why i am created for and how can i accomplish the mission i have mandated for.

Why am I here? Connaître votre Dessein
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